I got my darumas on Monday! They're even better than I remembered!
The big one on the left I picked up at a recycle shop late last year, for only 200Y! Yes, he's used, but he was the biggest daruma I'd ever seen, and it's nice to know that someone's prayer was obviously answered! The smallest ones on the right are actually a nesting set.
I put the bill in for scale, so you could see how big they are > >
>>If I had to pick a favorite (I can't, I love them all!) it'd probably be this one! I love the spiders. This picture is crap and doesn't do him justice at all, I'll try to take a better one later.
I am glad i am not alone in feeling this way! Japan is So Wonderful and we have such a short time here. 3 yrs FLYS by... and you dont even know it! I mean, these 5 months are gone, and i feel like we just moved here.
Try as hard as you can to enjoy these places that you can and soak it all in. :)
I missed so much when we left last time, and it was very sad.
Honestly though, i could buy a million trinkets to bring back with me... things that remind me of Japan, but its the 'things' you cant bring back......... that you miss the most!
The people, and culture... and food and ..... need i go on? haha! (i could go on forever.)
Anyways, i just wanted to say hi, and just tell ya... enjoy these next 18 months, and maybe if you are lucky, you'll be able to come back someday. :)
I am just so suprised that we were able to swing coming back, and so thankful. I dont think that we will be as lucky in the future, you know?
OMG that spider scared the crap out of me!! (slightly phobic lol)
cool daruma though!!
Very very cool daruma!!!
Love those daruma! I loved the big one and the spider one! I want one for a souviner when I get there!
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