Both girls have been flying by themselves since around the age of 6, but usually just short 3 - 4 hour trips between FL and NC or FL and TX, but this was the first transoceanic, transcontinental solo flight. I was more than a little worried.
In the U.S., when kids are flying alone, their parent/guardian is allowed to get a special gate pass to escort them through security, all the way to the gate. But in Japan, that's not allowed. The kids are passed off to an airline rep at security. This was a little unnerving for me, because I figured that meant she'd be stuck alone at her gate for upwards of 30 min waiting to board the plane. Turns out my worries were for nothing. All the airline reps, from the ticket counter, to the flight attendants really went above and beyond to make both of us feel comfortable and to ease my worries.
As we checked in, the ticket agent made a big fuss over Meg, saying how brave she was, etc, etc, even calling over the other two agents so they could all oooh and aahhh over her. The rep that escorted her from security stopped on the other side and bought her a pack of gum and a Coke. As soon as they got to the gate, the flight attendant took Meg straight onto the plane, even though boarding wasn't going to start for another 30 min. I told Meg to call me as soon as she got back to her gate, but she was having trouble with the cell phone, so the flight attendant let her use his phone to call me. I found out later that the ticket agent had blocked the other two seats next to Meg, so that she'd have room to spread out, and not have to worry about sitting next to a stranger!
She'll be flying back at the beginning of August. I don't know what Ethan will do with out his "Bister" all summer! He misses her already!
Ohhh how are *you* doing??
I flew unaccompanied minor at 12 and had a great time being pampered by the flight attendants!
Meg flew a regular plane? I thought the army flew in and out directly from bases?
Hope your classes are back to normal again!
So far, so good. Thanks for asking. It's too soon for me to start missing her, right now all I'm seeing is one less load of laundry and one less mouth to feed! LOL She enjoys flying for the same reason! Whenever we fly together, she says it's not nearly as fun!
We do have flights from the base, but minors can't fly on them alone, and they only fly to few places from here, and on very unpredictable schedules, so she has to fly commercial.
I love Japan Airlines and the whole Japanese way of flying: the free beverages, for instance, and the hot, moist towels for another. On one flight, they gave us free sake to celebrate New Year's Day.
I have been checking your blog every day for the past few months and am gradually getting to understand your situation. So this is your 2nd marriage? I was wondering how the 2 girls fit in with E. At any rate, you have a beautiful family!
Aw, thanks so much gigi! Yes, this is my 2nd marriage, but I had Gabi during my senior year of college, as result of a...ahem...let's just say some naive, misguided decisions. I'm sure it's obvious G and M don't have the same father, Meg is from my 1st marriage. So if you do the math, that's 3 bambinos, 3 daddios (^^) When we lived in the States, we had custody of DH's 3 kids from his 1st marriage, so with 5 kids in the house, the addition of 1 more was barely noticed! The girls love E to bits!His the little prince of the family. Since the day he was born, they've been his 2nd and 3rd little mommies and arguing over who would get to change his diaper, whose room he would sleep in each night! (And believe me, I wasn't complaining! LOL)
I just read your response to my question today. I had forgotten I asked it. haha. Thanks.
I had Maria (now age 30) out of wedlock also. Am glad I opted to keep her. She is a high school math teacher now, is married to a fellow teacher, and produced a grandkid 18 months ago.
Time sure flies when you are having fun, huh?
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