In March I went to Ome to see the ume blooming and last week I went back to Ome with some friends to see the azaleas at Yakuouji temple. This was my first trip to see the azaleas, they're one of my favorite flowers. It was a beautiful day, and even though it was the begining of Golden Week, it wasn't crowded at all. We had a great day, which included lunch at a yummy Italian restaurant.
I think next month the irises will be blooming in Ome, I can't wait!
I would love to see a close-up of a single blossom or two.
You ask for it, you got it! LOL I was actually trying to get a picture of the bees, but they didn't come out too well! Don't you have azaleas? I've always thought of them as a tropical flower.
azaleas are sold in the garden shops here, but I don't have them in my yard or patio just yet. Beautiful flowers!
It looks like a beautiful garden.
Is it the 吹上しょうぶ公園 (Fukiage-shobu Park)?
By the way, 青梅 (Ome) means "Green plum".
Tokyo5 - it's just the grounds of the Yakuouji temple, but Fukiage-shobu is where the irises will be next month, have you ever been there?
wow. That's really beautiful. I'd never seen mass plantings of a particular flower as a tourist thing before I came to Japan. Had you? I've been to sakura, plum blossom, iris, botan (tree peony?) and chrysanthymum but never azalea. They are really pretty. And lucky on the GW crowds too!
Those azaleas are gorgeous!!!
I love the artsy- fartsy up close shot of the pink flower and the blurred white one- very artsy
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