Otis' preferred state on the weekends is vegetative. If I would let him, he'd veg-out in front of the TV and computer ALL WEEKEND; more often than not, he doesn't even change out of his pj's! Obviously this is not cool with me, my moving-back-the-States countdown clock is ticking loudly in my head (honestly, it has been since the day our plane landed!) and I can't stand to waste a single second just hanging around the house, doing nothing!
But for the last two weekends in a row, we've visited local parks that we've never been to before, and O came along happily, almost excitedly, because we brought the dog (his idea)! Whatever, I'm not about to question it, or complain!
Yesterday we went to Mokusei park, on the Tama river. It's only about 10 min from the base and there's a really nice bike/walking trail that winds along the river for miles.
Fen has never been near anything bigger than a mud puddle, so we were excited to see how he's react when we got to the river. He wadded out a tiny bit, only to his doggy ankles, but the water was absolutely frigid, so I don't blame him. E had a blast throwing rocks into the water, unfortunately, visiting the park is on the very bottom of the girls' list of weekend activities, and since we weren't going far, or doing/seeing anything interesting, I let them bail on this trip.
Ohhh cute doggie!! Glad you got out, that seems to always help with winter blues - only a few short months it will be spring (IMHO) the best season Japan has to offer!!
(PS I replied to your mail, did you get? Let me know!!)
I just told the hub last night that I was *so* ready for spring! I agree, it's definitely the best season here! I can't wait for the cherry blossoms!
We love Fen, he's the best dog we've ever had!
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