As most of you probably know, Hillary Clinton was on a diplomatic tour of Asia over the last week. She started here in Japan, visited Indonesia, S. Korea and China.
Well, guess where she stopped today to re-fuel on her way home?!?!
We'd only been back from Tokyo for about 3 hrs, and I was taking a nap. Meg came bursting into my room "Hillary Clinton's coming! Ms. Heather wants us to go meet her!" Turns out Mrs. Clinton had decided to do a little impromtu 'meet n' greet' with some of the base community. Only a few people were notified of the event, with the hopes that they'd invite a few, but not too many people. It worked well and only about 100 people were at the hangar when she arrived.
We'd only been back from Tokyo for about 3 hrs, and I was taking a nap. Meg came bursting into my room "Hillary Clinton's coming! Ms. Heather wants us to go meet her!" Turns out Mrs. Clinton had decided to do a little impromtu 'meet n' greet' with some of the base community. Only a few people were notified of the event, with the hopes that they'd invite a few, but not too many people. It worked well and only about 100 people were at the hangar when she arrived.
We had great seats, second row, center! The speech was short and sweet, nothing political, just the usual "Thank you for your service....Let's all be good Americans, blah, blah, blah", but I was so excited just to see her! I've been Hillary fan for a long, long time. I was in a major dilemma during the elections, agonizing between her and Obama. The speech was only about 10 minutes long, then she spent a solid 20 min walking through the crowd shaking hands and taking pictures. She could have easily come and gone without even getting off the plane, refueling a plane can be done in just a few minutes, so the fact that she not only took the time to come off the plane, but was also willing to have a whole "to do" was really great!
My neighbor Heather, who had invited me, is also Meg's Girl Scout leader and her daughter B. is Meg's BFF, so we decided to take the girls with us, you know, Girl Power, rah, rah. They were suitably impressed. Meg knew who she was and that she was "Secretary something" and had been a presidential candidate. When HC saw the girls in their GS vests, she stopped to shake their hands and tell them that she had also been a Girl Scout!!!!!!!
And the best part:
Meg and B and HC
Good morning, oh my gosh, I am in awe right now! I am a Hillary Clinton fan too. I was hoping Hil would have won at first. But when she conceded, I became a full supporter for Obama. Total democrat here! And I do think Obama is a fantastic president and he should have won and am so glad he did. But I am still a total Clinton fan! I think that is so cool you got a picture of her with the girls.
how exciting!
OMG!!!! Great Pictures! :)
How Fun... and reading through, and then getting to the end w/ that cool photo op...... WOW! What a GREAT keepsake! WOW-o!
It was really exciting, I think more so b/c it was very last minute, we had no idea she was coming!
Gina - me too! Although I'm not a Dem, I love them both and would have been excited to see either one win. I think Obama is doing an awesome job so far!
WOW!! Oh my gosh what a great memory for your girls - that is too cool!
I got a photo with Rep. Randy Duke Cunningham (guy they based Top Gun off of) once since his daughter and I went to elementary school... umm.. he's in jail now for fraud or something or other... hmm
Wow. Great pic with Hilary.
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