Friday, December 19, 2008

No, that's NOT Mickey

He wasn't quite as big as he looks in this photo, but he was big enough to totally freak me out and send me screaming out the front door in complete panic! At first I thought it was a rat, but on closer inspection (thanks to Ethan's encouragement "Kawaiiiiii! Look Mommy, he's so cute!") we found out that it was a mouse. Not as bad as a rat, but still not something I want living on my backporch, sharing Fen's food.
I called the base entomology shop and they promptly came out, caught Mr. Mousey in a net and took him.........I don't know where, I didn't want to know.

The fearless mousers



1 comment:

Robin Vistnes said...

Let the mouse share! He won't take much and maybe Fen invited him over?!