Wednesday, April 14, 2010


A few weeks ago, I decided I needed to make my blog private.  As you know, there are certain people who just don't deserve to see this little window into our world. 

But I hated it. 

There are waaaaay more people peeking in on us than I ever imagined (massive cyber hugs, in a totally non-creepy way, for those who delurked themselves, you have NO idea how much it means to me to know you're out there!!!!!) and it was becoming time consuming to keep sending invites.  I also realized that there were a lot of really awesome people I've connected with thanks to this blog, but none of them had any other way to contact me, and vice versa, so I couldn't send them invites to get, after much thinking and wondering and worrying.....I'm public again! 

Besides missing all my peeps, thanks to some words of wisdom from the BFF, I realized cannot give certain people that kind of power over my life.  I love my blog and I'm not going to let anyone spoil it for me.  So, I'm back!


Robin Vistnes said...

I always love it when you refer to me in your blog. Hi everyone "I'M THE BFF!!"
I guess some of my supportive babble hit the spot-- glad to know it.

illahee said...

i'm so glad you're back!!

Bryn said...

R - yeah, the supportive babble helped, and so did the "I'll kill you" part.

illahee - Awwww! Thank you so much!

shinshu life said...

Yeah! So glad you're back. Reading about your life is like escapist literature for me- same country soooo different!

Cecilia said...

Hi Bryn,
I am glad you reopened your blog. I occassionally pop in from the links on your posts to Lily's blog.
It sounds as though things are improving, at the very least you seem positive and taking things in your stride.

Best wishes

Cecilia (tokyo)

Bryn said...

Thanks so much fuka-chan! I'm happy to be back! And I agree, your Japan seems sooooo different from mine, even though we live less than 300 km apart!

Hi Cecilia! Thank you so much for stopping by! I pop in on you from time to time too!