
Our hotel, as seen from Cosmo Clock 21
MMy piggies enjoying a very long soak. These were the best bubbles I've ever seen!
> >This was posted in our bathroom.
I've never seen a notice like this in a hotel room before.
View from our balcony
The sunset was so beautiful. None of us wanted to leave the beach, but it was soooo cold!
Okay, so E wasn't very surprised.>
I have very vague memories of visiting Daibutsu as a kid, I was maybe 6 or 7 years old, but for some reason, images of the Buddha have always symbolized Japan for me, more so than Fuji-san or geisha or any of the other images people usually have of when they think of Japan.
Otis took the bigger kids inside the buddha bowels while I waited outside with Ethan. It sounds corny and sappy, but I got a little teary-eyed standing there. It was so quiet (E was sleeping), the sun was just begining to set and this odd peace just settled over me, a feeling of comfort and of homecoming and, I don't know....it's weird now that I'm remembering it....
>Crossing the bridge to Enoshima
I had no idea what was on Enoshima, just that it was a small island in Sagami Bay, near Kamakura. I thought it'd be a nice scenic drive around an island before heading to the Big Buddah. Turns out, you can hike to the top of the island to the Enoshima Lighthouse Observatory, and on the backside are some cool caves and tidal pools.
We parked on the island and headed up through a little street crammed with shops and restaurants to the first shrine. There, we found out that you can take a series of 4 escalators to the top of the island where the lighthouse is, but they're only one-way, you have to walk back down. There are tons of scenic overlook areas along the paths and lots of little shrines and gardens.
G, M, B and E on the steps of the first shrine
The kids loved the escalators, I thought they were pretty neat too and we got to the top quickly. There was a small outdoor cafe at the top, so we sat down for a quick bite to eat. Because I didn't realize there was actually anything to do on the island, I didn't plan for us to spend much time there, so we were really in a hurry, the Daibutsu closes at 5:00p and since that was our whole reason for being down there in the first place, we couldn't miss it.
O enjoying a steaming bowl of ramen on the cafe deck. Check out that view!
It was a beautiful, clear day, a little chilly, but not too bad, totally perfect for our day. After we finished eating we headed through the gardens and over to the observation tower.
Looking out towards Kamakura, in the general direction of Tokyo
Our weekend was off to a great start, but I really wish we'd had more time on the island, it really needs at least 1/2 a day's worth of exploring. We're planning to go back in the late spring or summer when we'll be able to enjoy the water and beach.
We had lunch at a restaurant called Kouraken, as always, check out the website to get the full effect. We always have such a great time in this group. For one thing, it's huge, with nearly 100 members. Because we have so many members, we have a lot of money for entertaining, so that really helps to elevate the fun factor.
Lunch was great and we were treated to a performance by a dance troupe from Fussa (sorry, I forgot their name). At one point we had a big Japanese conga line going, but since I was in it, I didn't get any pictures. >
I have a couple of video clips, but I'm having some issues with editing, so they'll have to wait.
This week, one of my small groups from this big group (there are 6 small groups, A - F, that make up the Yokota-Fussa Friendship Circle, I lead groups B and D. The small groups meet seperately once a month for a cultural activity) is taking a tour of a local sake factory. Woo hoo! Any activity that involves alcohol intake rates very high on my list of fun things to do!
We hung around outside the station for awhile, watching the construction and a beautiful sunset over Tokyo. Then headed inside to explore the station.
Ethan in car heaven
Even though the rest of the family bailed on us, we had a really great day. It was nice to do something fun, just the two of us, I don't get to spend much one-on-one time with my little sweetie pie. But I'm definitely heading back one day soon, by myself, to do some more retail exploration! Next on my list: Shinagawa Station.
This grill, along with the 3 propane tanks we have, was one of the freebies we got from a neighbor who was moving back to the States, they had put it on the curb to be hauled away by the recycle truck! We weren't able to bring our grill when we moved to Japan, so we were ecstactic to get this one, for free no less!
For this week's entry in i ♥ faces I dug back a little to this pic of Ethan, taken about 2 weeks before his 1st b-day. In this pic he's exactly one year younger than the pic from last week, almost to the day. Can you believe how much he changed in just one year?!?! How I miss the days when he'd smile so sweetly for the camera! Now, he either refuses to smile at all, or gives me that cheesy, fake grin that makes him look constipated!
Tons of adorable mugs this week!
The bottom card is the best, it's good at all the Services dining facilities (listed on the bottom of the card) and once it's filled is worth $10.95 toward any food purchase.