Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thanksgiving week - Part 1

We spent 4 days in Tokyo Thanksgiving week, we went so many places in that small space of time, I'm going to break the posts up by location.
We arrived at the New Sanno on Sunday afternoon and jumped on the subway, headed Meiji-jingu Gaien, I read about it on Blue Lotus and put it at the top of our list; it's a huge park where you'll find Icho Namiki - Gingko Avenue, a street is lined 146 gingko trees that are spectacular in the Fall. We were about a week or so early for their peak color, but it was still very beautiful.

Heading down Icho Namiki, there is a festival in the park from Nov. 16 - Dec. 14, so it was extra crowded.


Meiji Memorial Picture Gallery, a museum and cultural center

Escalator fun.

The subway system in Tokyo is amazing, a huge maze of tracks stacked on top of each other, at one point we were 7 stories underground!



1 comment:

Robin Vistnes said...

You say you aren't doing too much stuff but I beg to differ... while you were in Tokoyo for 4 days over T-giving, I was at work all four days and played a game of football with my family...
Let's compare who is using their time for more cultural experiences...