Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Aspire for Erin
I was so excited to find out that their mom had started a blog! Their dad, Kevin, is a Marine, and the girls and their big sis Taylor are bi-racial, so I felt a tiny connection with them. I spent about 5 days catching up on nearly 3 years worth of posts (am I a life-less nerd, or what?) and now check the blog regularly following the girls' progress and cheering them on as grow and blossom.
In case you actually have a life and don't have time to read all their history, here's a quick recap:
Jade and Erin were born in Feb 2004, joined from chest to stomach. They were successfully seperated in June 2004, but Erin suffered a spinal stroke during the surgery and she's paralyzed from the chest down. Just after the twins 1st b-day it was discovered that their sister Taylor (I think she was 3 at the time) had a tumor on her spine; they were able to remove most of the tumor through surgery, but it will require life-long monitoring, she will more than likely need more spinal surgeries (yes, that's plural) and she'll always suffer from effects of the tumor. In the mix of all this is Kevin's 16 y.o. son Kevin Jr.
This family is absolutely AWESOME! The joy and optimism they maintain in the face of what seems to be never-ending struggles is amazing! All the girls are healthy and thriving, attending school and doing all the things that little girls do.
The family is in the process of raising money to get Erin a service dog through paws4people. It costs upwards of $30,000 to raise and train a dog for service!!! From a military family standpoint, I can tell you, it may as well be $1,000,000! The Buckles are selling these customized car magnets for Erin to help raise money, check out the link and buy a magnet! If you'd like, there's also a link on the Buckles website for donations. If you can't manage a donation, or the $6 for a magnet, please just keep the Buckles family in your thoughts and prayers.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
You go girl!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Can I be your Mrs. Donut?
Cherished keepsake
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Me: It's the name of a movie, with Wesley Snipes I think. And there's a song......
Her: No, like when someone says "Hey, you've got jungle fever!"
Me: Ummmmm......well...............
So I did what any responsible parent would do and looked up jungle fever on urbandictionary.com. Here's what I got:
"Watch out for that White girl Angela cause she has major jungle fever. She can't keep her eyes off tha brothers, probably because her daddy won't let her date a brother."
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
So cool
More food!
My lunch.
Fried rice, ramen topped w/ tofu and seaweed and two steamed dumplings for Y841.
Sadly, I can't yet tell the difference between Japanese food and Chinese food, it really all seems the same to me. But I can tell you that Chinese food in Japan in nothing like Chinese food in America. No General Tso's chicken, no egg rolls.
There were 5 competions going on simultaneously, apparently it's good form to scream like a banshee, I guess to intimidate your opponent? It was weird to hear those shrieks coming from Akemi, she normally so shy and reserved. It was really interesting and I had a good time.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Hinohara Waterfall
The drive up was really scenic on narrow, winding, mountain roads taking us up into the foothills that lay just beyond the base. We must have pulled of the road 10 times to take pictures.
Hinohara Waterfall
We also stopped at a Kanotoiwa Gorge, equally beautiful. The girls had a good time climbing around on the rocks. We saw some Buddhists meditating in a waterfall. The water was freezing, even from a distance we could see them all shivering and shaking as they prayed.
Once again, I'm sad that we didn't go sooner, but now we can't wait to take Otis when he comes home, I know it will be spectacular in the fall.
The night the lights went out in......Musashimurayama
Origami cranes, heading towards the light, on top of my TV. The girls and I are working on a crane chain, we're making 1000 origami cranes.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The "Asian squat"
I didn't assume it was a cultural thing, just figured Ethan didn't clearly understand what the teacher was telling them to do.
I didn't really give it much thought until we were at Ethan's bus stop one day last week and one of the Japanese moms looks at Ethan (who was squatting) and said "He's really becoming Japanese!" It's true, he squats all the time now, especially when he's waiting for something. It got me thinking about it, so of course I Googled it, and apparently it's a real thing. There's even a movie about it. Weird.
>Farmers' market and new baby
My Thursday class, minus 3 people
Next we headed to the Akiruno Farmers' Market which is right around the corner from where we have class. Outside were different stalls selling prepared food like grilled corn-on-the-cob, yakitori, yakisoba.....
Farmers' Market
Fresh eggs.
For Y50 ($.50) you stick your hand in this box and grab ping pong balls. The number of balls you get in one grab equals the number of eggs you get. Most of the women had their husbands do it because they had way bigger hands.
I think this is a pretty traditional festival game. These are water ballons floating in a tub of water. Every balloon has a long rubberband tied to it, on the end of which is a metal hook. You get a thin strip of paper tied in a loop and you dip it down in the water to try to snag a hook to pick up a balloon. Of course the longer you have the paper loop in the water, the soggier it gets. If you're not fast enough, the paper shreds apart as you try to lift the balloon. We did okay and ended up with 4 balloons. The balloons are used kind of like a paddle ball, slipping the end of the rubberband over one finger and using your hand as the paddle. I remember getting them at festivals as a kid.
Sneaky Italian
Cool door knocker. You clunk on the fish with the mallet
To ward of evil spirits. Yes, it's a dried fish head on a stick
The inside was all very traditional with tatami floors, shoes off at the door, etc. We sit down and I'm working out how I'll politely get past the usual pickeled eggplant, squid ink soup or other very Japanese fare that I just haven't been able to wrap my taste buds around. I open the menu and..... it's Italian food!!! Pizza and pasta! So totally not what I was expecting, everyone got a good laugh out of my surprise. Everything was eaten with chopsticks though. It was a lot of fun.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Sharpie Freak Out
Fen totally freaks out when anyone takes the top off of a sharpie. I guess it's the smell, not sure, but he hates it! Which of course makes it hilarious to get out the camera and whip open a marker!
He sounds ferocious, but he's definitely all bark and no bite.
What a weirdo!
Seriously. Stop it already!
My chunky monkey who's thighs were so fat we couldn't buckle her carseat over them.
My butterscotch baby who for years insisted she wasn't black, or brown, but "hot cocoa".
My baby einstein who at four years old asked me "If Adam and Eve were the first people, how did they get born?"
Just so you know
On the run
The girls had their first cross country meet last Saturday at Tama Hills. It was a huge meet, 9 different schools and nearly 500 kids!
Just cute